The Department of Physics, University of Nairobi is as old as the University itself. The Department is situated in the Physical Sciences building, Chiromo Campus.
It currently chaired by Prof. Nyongesa Francis Wanjala and has 30 academic, 21 technical and support staff members. At any one time the Department handles over 300 students- undergraduate and postgraduate- registered for different degree programmes for which physics is core. This number excludes the serviced courses belonging to other schools and faculties. This makes it the largest and most active Department of Physics in the Eastern and Central Africa region. The following B.Sc. programmes are offered by the department:
The department encourages training and research in fairly interactive areas, with emphasis in Theoretical Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Applied Electronics, Applied Nuclear and Radiation Physics, Applied Laser Physics and Geophysics, with research results in these areas published in refereed international and regional journals. The department offers M.Sc. and Ph.D. programmes that allow specialization in the areas listed above.
The department has embarked on continual upgrading of its facilities; all these are in line with our desire to train holistic physics graduates that make positive contribution not only to our nation but also to the whole of mankind.
Head of Departmen