Title | Description | |
APPOINTMENT OF PROF. B. O. ADUDA AS DVC (AA) -EGERTON UNIVERSITY | Dearl all. This is to inform you that Prof. B. O. Aduda has been appointed as Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs (AA) at Egerton University. Consequently, the UoN management has granted him leave of absence to take up the new appointment.
His second semester 2021/2022 teaching duties will therefore have to be reallocated. Prof. Aduda will however still be active in the department in the area of postgraduate supervision and he will be available to attend to his assigned postgraduate students.
In the meantime, the Chair of the Department will act as the Group Leader for the Condensed Matter Research Group until a substantive person is appointed.
On behalf of the Department, I wish Prof B. O. Aduda all the best as he takes up the new appointment. Regards. CHAIRMAN, DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS. |
PHD PROPOSAL SEMINAR ANNOUNCEMENT - 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM MONDAY 24TH MAY 2021 | This is to invite you to our next PhD Proposal defense seminar by Mr. Brian Owuor on Monday 24th May 2021 between 11:00 am - 12:00 pm. Here below are the details: TITLE: Investigation on the Performance and Stability of Cs3Sb2I9 Based Perovskite Solar Cells Employing P3HT And CuSCN Hole Transport Materials. PRESENTER: Mr. Brian Owuor, PhD Student MAIN SUPERVISOR: Prof. F. W. Nyongesa
Methylammonium lead iodide (CH3NH3PbI3) perovskite materials have, in recent years, evolved as excellent absorber materials in perovskite solar cells. Whereas devices utilizing CH3NH3PbI3 as the absorber material exhibit high efficiencies exceeding 20 percent, critical concerns remain, such as the potential harmful effects of lead and the device instability under humid air conditions. Owing to its enhanced air-stability and superior optical properties, cesium antimony iodide (Cs3Sb2I9) perovskite material has recently gained considerable interest as an appropriate replacement for Pb-based perovskites. Herein, purely inorganic cesium antimony iodide (Cs3Sb2I9) perovskite material will be obtained by co-evaporation of CsI and SbI3. In addition to the perovskite materials, the hole-transport materials also play an important role in the efficiency and stability of the cells.Copper thiocyanate (CuSCN) and poly (3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) hole-transport materialshave also received significant attention due to their low cost, considerably high hole-mobility, excellent thermal stability and suitable energy levels. In this study,hole-transporting layers ofP3HT and CuSCN will be deposited by spin coatingtechnique. Optical characteristics of the films will be studied by UV-Visible spectroscopy. X-ray diffraction spectroscopy will be utilized to investigate the structural features of the deposited films. Determination of band gap shifts of the deposited films will be evaluated by photoluminescence (PL). Photothermal deflection spectroscopy (PDS) will be utilized to determine the deep & shallow defects while the surface electronic structure of the perovskite layer will be evaluated using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Morphological properties of the films together with the cross-sectional structure of the fabricated solar cells will be analyzed by scanning electron microscope (SEM). Solar simulator with irradiation of 1000W/m2 (A.M 1.5) will be employed to study the current–voltage characteristics of the fabricated solar cells. Finally, surface photovoltage (SPV) and impedance spectroscopy (IS) will be used to determine carrier generation and recombination of the fabricated cells.
PhD (Physics) scholarship for a female student | Project Title: Development of a Raman spectroscopic method for rapid real-time reproductive hormone assay in blood Raman spectroscopy is a technique involving using a laser light to excite a sample of interest and the inelastically scattered (Raman) light collected and analyzed. The spectrum of Raman scattered light provides details of the Raman active molecules present in the sample under study. Since each molecule has unique energy structure, Raman spectral profiles of molecules are also specific to each. The intensity of the Raman bands is also known to be related to the number of scattering molecules, hence concentration. Utilizing these unique properties of the Raman scattering phenomenon in rapid and real-time reproductive hormone assay will be explored in this work. This interdisciplinary project will be done at the laser physics and spectroscopy research group, Department of Physics, University of Nairobi. It is suitable for a FEMALE student who has the following qualifications:
The scholarship will cover tuition fees and a monthly stipend (KSH. 60,000) and will be renewable annually, subject to satisfactory progress, for a period of 3 years. Eligible candidates should send their application (soft copy only) to: The Thematic Head Laser Physics and Spectroscopy Department of Physics University of Nairobi
using the following email address: laser@uonbi.ac.ke. The application should include the following supporting documents:
The deadline for application is 30th June 2021. |
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